RMG has invested in over 50 companies providing both buy side expertise and an extensive database of relationships with institutional and individual investors. Our investment banking business was forged from these relationships and allows RMG the ability to provide complete and immediate access to extensive pools of capital for its clients.
Capital Raising
Riverside Management Group offers a full range of capabilities to assist clients in raising capital in the private markets.
Financing Situations
  • Private Equity Placements
  • Private Investments in Public Equity (PIPEs)
  • Mezzanine and Subordinated Debt Placements
  • Buyouts, Consolidations, and Acquisition Financing
Our Relationships
  • Venture Capital Firms
  • Private Equity/LBO Firms
  • Hedge Funds
  • Strategic Corporate Investors
  • Senior and Subordinate Debt lenders
Strategic Advisory Services
We have significant expertise in exclusive sales, divestures, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures and strategic alliances. We leverage our principal expertise and our valuable network of advisors and strategic partners to design and execute creative transactions.